Home Business How to Acquire Long-Term Residence in Malta

How to Acquire Long-Term Residence in Malta

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Living in a beautiful destination like Malta is like a dream come true. People who have visited or lived in Malta for some time fall in love with its beauty, pleasant climate, and safe environment. Luckily, acquiring residency on this tiny island is no longer difficult since the Maltese government has introduced several residency schemes for almost every foreign citizen living in EU and non-EU countries.

Among all residency schemes, Malta Long-term Residence is the one that aims to work for those individuals who have been legally living in the country for at least five consecutive years. Any resident from Swiss, the EU/EEA, and the third country can benefit from Malta’s Long-term Residence.

Individuals must not have lived outside of Malta for more than six continuous months in any year of the mentioned period. Moreover, these individuals must not have been physically away from Malta for more than a period of ten months in these five years. Visiting papilioservices.com/residence/ can provide you with a detailed guide on the requirements of long-term residence in Malta.

Similarly, a third-country national with a long-term residence status by another member state may live in Malta for more than three months for employment or economic activity. They can pursue vocational training or other studies or keep themselves engaged in education or economic-related activities under the control of an employment license.

Individuals holding long-term residence status are also entitled to enjoy an equal treatment from the government as other Maltese nationals do. They can work in local companies get an education in the Maltese universities for free of cost. If you are a third-country national and legally living in Malta for at least two years, it becomes easy for you to put forward a request for your family reunion in the country. You can add spouses aged 21 or older and minor unmarried children if you want to live in Malta permanently and can provide accommodation to your family members.

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