Home Business How You Can Achieve the Dependent’s Pass In Singapore?

How You Can Achieve the Dependent’s Pass In Singapore?

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You will require a Dependant’s Pass if you intend to move to Singapore with a family member who has migrated there for work (DP). Applying for one is as simple as following the steps for the Dependant’s Pass (DP) Scheme in Singapore are listed below.

Exactly what it says on the tin, the Dependant’s Pass is just that

Relocating to Singapore with family members who have an Employment Pass (EP), S Pass (S), EntrePass (EP), or Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) is possible with a Singapore Dependant’s Pass (DP).

Dependent Passes are valid for as long as the principal Singapore work visa holder is working in Singapore. The need for a second Singapore entry visa does not apply to holders of DP passes. They are free to live, work, and travel in Singapore.

What are the prerequisites for a Dependant’s Pass?

It is required that the spouse or unmarried children under 21 (including biological and lawfully adopted children) of a person who has an Employment Pass, S Pass, EntrePass, or PEP and earns at least S$6,000 a month in total be eligible for a Dependant’s Pass.

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There is a notification of Live Birth and Immigration and Checkpoints Authority Advisory Note if your kid is born in Singapore to an employee on the island nation’s work visa (ICA). Local registration offices may accept these documents in order to provide a birth certificate. As a Special Pass, it allows the child to stay in Singapore for six weeks following delivery. Your youngster should be issued a passport by your country’s embassy or high commission during this time.

For a common law spouse of a Singapore work visa holder, the country of residency does not provide a Dependant Pass. In most cases, however, if they satisfy specific criteria, they are entitled for a Long-Term Social Visit Pass (LTSVP).

In order to be considered for a Dependant’s Pass, you must provide the following paperwork:

  • Application for a Dependant Pass that has been completed to the best of one’s capacity.
  • A copy of the passport page including your/your child’s personal details.
  • The official birth, marriage, and adoption certificates as proof of a family’s ties.
  • If appropriate, educational information.
  • The most recent salary for any jobs you’ve had, if any, at Singaporean educational institutions As well as that,

For children under the age of sixteen, parental signature is required on all application forms. You must provide a certified translation of any relevant qualifications that are not in English with the original certificate copy to be evaluated.

How long does it take to apply for a Dependant’s Pass and what is the procedure?

As a dependent, you must submit either an online or paper application to get a visa for the United States. The Singapore work visa holder’s employer must submit documentation requests (DPs) on his or her behalf, and they must be filed for each qualifying family member.

Applications for DPs are normally processed within three to five weeks after receipt. Unless the DP application was submitted at the same time as the Singapore work visa application, the conclusion would most likely be published at the same time.

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