Home Business What is E marketing?

What is E marketing?

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Have always been interested in such subject as e-marketing? Would like to find out more? Feel free to click here to familiarize yourself with some useful materials on the issue, as well as keep reading this article to learn the basics.

E-marketing is the application of marketing techniques and principles via electronic media. In other words, it is the process of marketing a product, service or brand using the internet. Such terms as internet marketing, e-marketing and online marketing are quite often interchangeable.

E-marketing as well as traditional marketing are both aimed at attracting new customers and developing the identity of a brand. When e-marketing techniques are implemented correctly, the return on investment is often higher than that of traditional marketing strategies. The thing is that the internet helps to reach millions of target audiences in a minute. Thus, it is a force which should not be ignored, especially in the field of business.

Speaking about the differences between e-marketing and internet marketing, the main one lies in the fact that e-marketing achieves its objectives through the use electronic communications technology while internet marketing does that with the help of digital technology in general. What should also be highlighted in this respect is that e-marketing is basically the realization of traditional marketing with all its theoretical and practical principles but it is implemented in the electronic environment. The following types of digital communication channels should be a part of every e-marketing campaign: online PR, opt-in email, search marketing, interactive ads, online partnership and social media marketing. Surely, it will be more efficient to have a specific team to concentrate on each of these areas.

Taking everything into account, e-marketing is one of the most essential tools in business nowadays as a company’s website and online presence is a vital aspect of a brand’s identity. Potential customers judge the credibility of a brand based on its online presence more and more these days.


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